NMAND had a fall social event this past November, with three in-person locations and an online presence as well. Events of the evening included networking and potlucks, and presentations by AND and two lobbyists working with NMAND.

Attendees learned about the principles behind the Academy’s current stance on licensure and New Mexico’s legislative process, post-election briefing, engagement, with a Q&A. This event was worth 1.5 CEU hours.

2023 Annual Business Meeting

NMAND wrapped up its last event of the year on May 6 with its annual business meeting.    The meeting started with a wonderful brunch graciously provided by the Beef Council.  After a little business, Cathy McDivitt announced the election results as well NMAND award winners for this year.  Lastly, Debbie Luffey recognized members who were RDNs for 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years.  Rebecca Lamoreaux won a basket, donated by the Beef Council, which was raffled in support of student scholarships.  A special thanks to Kate Schultz and Patty Waid for their assistance with this! Thank you to all members who joined us for this fun event!  

Left to right: Arlin Diaz Torres, Jacqueline Edaakie, Debbie Luffey, Patricia Sanchez, Guinevere Ottesen.

Hannah Contrucci and Cathy McDivitt having fun during the award presentations

Debbie Luffey and her Dream Team! 

“These are UNM graduates who are all heading to grad school or internship programs in the fall. (Arlin, Patricia and Guin will attend UNM's combined MS/DI program and Jacqueline will attend UNLV's accelerated internship).  These 4 worked with me as a type of undergraduate TA to promote engagements in lower-level nutrition courses.”


2023 Award and Scholarship Winners


Highlighting Contributions from NMAND members

Derrick Collins

“It was great to be back on the UNM campus to speak to future nutrition professionals in Dr. Luffey’s life cycle class. Only a few years ago I was a nutrition student sitting in those same seats; now I am grateful to be invited back to speak about my path to becoming a dietitian and current work with pediatric patients at UNM Children’s Hospital. Additionally, we discussed the topic of kidney disease across the life cycle, and how dietitians are the most qualified professionals to help guide these patients to meet their nutritional goals specifically, which plays a vital role in delaying CKD progression, preventing or treating complications, and improving quality of life. With kidney disease specifically, this is a population that benefits greatly from medical nutrition therapy (it’s also one of the few conditions medicaid covers for MNT counseling). It’s also a population that is growing in size each year - meaning more meaningful opportunities for future RDs to serve.”

Derrick is a Clinical Dietitian at UNM Children’s Hospital.

Kelli Begay

Kelli moderated two sessions at FNCE on October 9th and 10th. She owns a consulting business in Albuquerque and uses her understanding and lived experience in Native communities to promote healthy tribes. Read more about Kelli’s history and role in community nutrition here.